5 silver puppies – 4 females and 1 male
Cassandra AV Pes, Cindy AV Pes, Cleopatra AV Pes, Camilla AV Pes, Cupido AV Pes
Mother: Bonnie AV Pes
The Most Important Awards:
ČMKÚ Champion, CZ Champion, 6x CAC, 2x BOB, National Winner 3x CACIB, Grand Champion ČR
Breeding female:
Complete bite, HD A, ED 0/0, Eyes Clear

Father: Jasttin ze Stříbrné galaxie
The most important awards:
C.I.B. (interchampion); MultiCH – Grand Champion of the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Austria, Champion of the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Austria, Germany, and Luxembourg; BISS
Breeding male:
Eyes clear, Complete bite, HD A, ED 0/0, PRCD N/N clear, vWD type 1 N/N clear, DM N/n, PRA neg.
Pedigree here
Bonitation Card here
Bonitation Card here